Looking to Heal & Inspire
at Your Event?

Are you searching for an engaging, insightful speaker who can transform your audience's thinking about coping and mental health? I’d love to bring the message of Conscious Coping to your next event. Together, we can move the conversation about mental health forward in a constructive and meaningful way.

Wait, are you looking
for a dynamic speakerfor your next event?

Add Value To Your Event with Inspiring Keynotes on Conscious Coping

As a seasoned public speaker, I've had the privilege of connecting with diverse audiences around the globe.

My commitment to speaking at your next event goes beyond the content of my book and the sessions of the Conscious Coping Club. I strive to find innovative ways to deliver unique value to your event, breathing life into the power of coping in a way that resonates with your audience.

Each presentation is an opportunity to engage intimately with the heart of the audience, guiding them toward a deeper understanding of Conscious Coping. My speeches are crafted to impart knowledge and catalyze a transformation within each listener, offering new perspectives on resilience and mental health.


Through these

I hope to foster a community equipped to face life's adversities with strength and grace. If you're seeking a speaker who can bring a heartfelt, impactful message to your event, I'm here to help!

Book Me for Your Event

Offerings: Keynote, workshops and breakout sessions designed to speak to the unique needs of your audience. 

Contact Us
