Conscious Coping: A framework for a new way of being – Coping Better, Together.

In the pursuit of mental well-being, Laurie Sharp-Page’s book, “Conscious Coping,” serves as a guiding light. This transformative work acts as a primer for individuals embarking on their mental health journey, offering valuable tools and insights to better understand and manage mental health challenges.

Laurie Sharp-Page, drawing from her own personal experiences and her professional expertise as a licensed professional clinical counselor and certified wellness coach, shares a profound perspective on coping with mental health issues. Inspired by her own journey of learning to navigate life after her father’s tragic suicide, she offers wisdom and guidance to those who are also seeking solace and healing.

“Conscious Coping” is particularly relevant for individuals who are beginning or currently on their mental health journey, especially those who have experienced trauma or loss. The book provides a compassionate roadmap, equipping readers with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of their emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

Readers will find practical insights and strategies within the pages of “Conscious Coping.” Laurie Sharp-Page encourages self-reflection, mindfulness, and self-compassion as essential elements of the healing process. By integrating these practices into their daily lives, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and develop effective coping mechanisms.

To embark on this transformative journey, “Conscious Coping” can be found in bookstores and libraries. Additionally, joining the Conscious Coping Club offers an opportunity to participate in a self-paced, no-pressure book club experience, with “Conscious Coping” being the featured book for July.

“Conscious Coping” is a valuable resource for individuals navigating their mental health journey. Laurie Sharp-Page’s personal experiences and professional expertise come together to provide practical tools and insights for healing and growth. By embracing the wisdom within its pages, readers can foster self-awareness, resilience, and ultimately embark on a path to improved mental well-being.

Want to try this resource of for size? Check out our favorite version here or your local library and bookshops and make sure to join The Conscious Coping Club for more great resources.

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