Cope better
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Dive deeper into the art of coping with posts designed to enlighten, educate, and empower. From mastering coping skills to understanding the dynamics of mental resilience, my blog is a treasure chest of resources waiting to be discovered.

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Happiness – a transient state
Happiness, a state of well-being and contentment, is a feeling that permeates every aspect of our lives. It’s that warm...
Apprehension – Life is an ever-changing journey
Life is an ever-changing journey, and as we face the unknown, feelings of apprehension often accompany us. In moments...
Aromatherapy – Embracing the Power of Scent for Healing and Relaxation
Aromatherapy is a practice that harnesses the healing properties of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils. It...
Man’s Search for Meaning
In the depths of unimaginable suffering, Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, embarked on a profound journey to uncover...
A Weekly Dose of The Conscious Coping Club
Podcast and Web Series – First Episode Out Now!
Recognizing the Signs of Burnout
Burnout is more than just feeling tired or stressed—it’s a state of chronic exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced efficacy...
The Weight of Guilt and its Mental Health Ramifications
Guilt, like a heavy cloak, can weigh heavily on our minds, affecting our mental well-being in profound ways. It often...
Hula Hooping – Embrace the joyful flow
Hula hooping is not just a childhood pastime but also a dynamic and engaging exercise that offers numerous benefits for...
Insecurity – Discomfort in our worth
Insecurity, defined as uncertainty or anxiety about oneself, or a lack of confidence, is a feeling that all of us have...
Depression – Not just pathology
Depression as a feeling can be a profound and prolonged state of sadness or hopelessness. This can often be confused...
Embracing Embarrassment: Navigating the Path of Self-Conscious Distress
Embarrassment, a common and relatable feeling, is an inherent part of the human experience. It’s that moment when we...
Conscious Coping: A framework for a new way of being
In the pursuit of mental well-being, Laurie Sharp-Page’s book, “Conscious Coping,” serves as a guiding light. This...
Assertive Communication 101: Strategies for Asserting Your Needs and Boundaries
Communication serves as the backbone of human relationships and interactions. Yet, for many, the art of effective...
The Happy Light – Illuminating Your Path to Mental Wellness
In the journey towards mental wellness, we often seek sources of light that can brighten our mood and uplift our...
Crafting Personalized Self-Care Routines for Work, School, and Beyond
In today’s fast-paced world, the demands of work and school can often feel overwhelming, leaving us vulnerable to...
Sensate – Enhancing Relaxation and Well-Being through Sensory Stimulation
Sensate is a revolutionary wearable device that offers a unique and immersive experience aimed at promoting relaxation...
The path to your best mental health life
Starts with Conscious Coping.
Mindful Mental Snapshots – Capturing Positive Moments
Mindful Mental Snapshots involve pausing during a positive moment or experience to fully absorb and remember the...
Unraveling Restlessness: A Modern Guide to Finding Calm
In the relentless buzz of our modern lives, restlessness has become an unwelcome companion for many. The constant...
Meaning Making – Emotional Transmutation
Life is a journey filled with highs and lows, victories, and challenges. In the face of hardships, we often wonder,...
From Small Talk to Deep Connections
In a world that’s always buzzing, where talks are often quick and surface-level, it’s easy to feel like the real magic...
Paradoxical Intention – Facing Fear to Find Freedom
Paradoxical intention involves confronting a feared situation or thought with the intent to experience it, ultimately...
The Impatience Trap: Breaking Free from Instant Gratification
The digital era has ushered in a new normal—one where waiting is seen as an inconvenience. The widespread use of...
Walking Away from Irritability
Irritability is a common emotion that arises when we feel stressed, frustrated, or overwhelmed. It can manifest as...
Cocoon Blanket – Embrace relaxation and comfort in a cozy way
The Cocoon Blanket is your ultimate companion for coziness and relaxation. Designed to provide a sense of security and...
Hello World!
We have arrived.
Exploring the Anatomy of Frustration
Frustration is like a storm brewing on the horizon, and it can stem from a myriad of sources, such as unmet...
Anger – What are you holding?
Anger, a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility, is an emotion we all experience. Buddha once said,...
Radical Acceptance – Radical Freedom
In the journey of life, we often encounter situations that challenge our equilibrium, stir emotions, and test our...
Hope – An essential ingredient
Feeling hopeful can be described as having or inspiring optimism about a future event. It’s the light at the end of the...
Grateful Hearts, Resilient Souls: Building Hope Daily
The practice of positive visualization is the foundation of hope-building. Imagining a future filled with success and...
Frustration – The ultimate block
Frustration, characterized by a feeling of being upset or annoyed because of an inability to change or achieve...
Ritual – Harmonizing life through regularity
In a world that is increasingly fast-paced, unpredictable, and overloaded with information, there is a rising need to...
Setting Realistic Expectations – A crucial skill for life and relationships
In navigating the complex dynamics of life and relationships, we often find ourselves caught between what we desire and...
Navigating the Shadows of Doubt
Doubt is that nagging voice that whispers in the depths of our consciousness, questioning our abilities, decisions, and...
A Beginner’s Guide to Mindfulness Meditation
In life’s hustle, where chaos often reigns supreme, finding moments of calm becomes an invaluable treasure. Amidst this...
How to Establish and Maintain Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries act as protective barriers that define our comfort zones and signal our needs to others. They’re the lines...
Anxiety – a misunderstood foe
From an etymological perspective, the word ‘anxiety’ stems from the Latin term ‘angere’, which translates to ‘to choke...
Effective coping and your mental health
Mental health is something that we all need to take seriously. It affects every aspect of our lives, from our...
Find Motivation for a Flourishing Year Ahead
As we stand at the cusp of a brand-new year, there’s an undeniable sense of opportunity and fresh beginnings in the...
Navigating Isolation in the Digital Age
In the landscape of the digital era, where connectivity is at our fingertips, an unexpected paradox arises: isolation...
Understanding Insecurity and Embracing Its Message
Insecurity, that subtle undercurrent in the river of our emotions, profoundly impacts our mental well-being in today’s...
Self-Affirmations to Elevate Your Life
In a world where doubt and insecurities often take center stage, self-affirmation becomes a beacon of self-compassion...
Practicing Rejection – Building Resilience Through Exposure
Practicing Rejection involves exposing yourself to small rejections to desensitize and build resilience towards it....
Sleep and Stress: A Two-Way Street
In the hustle and bustle of the modern world, the interconnected relationship between sleep and stress has become more...
Thriving in Solo Love
Picture a quiet coffee shop, bustling with the everyday rhythm of life. In the midst of it, someone is sitting alone by...
The Ripple Effect: How Irritability Impacts Relationships
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s not uncommon to experience moments of irritability. It can manifest in...
Finding Your Way Around the Vulnerability Paradox
In our journey through life, vulnerability often emerges as a paradoxical force – perceived as a weakness yet holding...
The Damn it Doll – Releasing frustration with a whack
Sometimes, life can be frustrating, and we all need a healthy outlet to release our pent-up emotions. That’s where the...
Mind Over Meeting: Beating Mental Fatigue
Within the bustling world of offices and boardrooms, mental fatigue poses unique challenges that extend beyond mere...
Unlocking Your Potential Through SMART Goals
In the pursuit of personal growth and self-discovery, navigating the path forward often demands a strategic approach....
Bach Brand Homeopathic Flower Essences – Harness the Healing Power of Nature
Bach Brand Homeopathic Flower Essences offer a remarkable line of natural remedies that tap into the transformative...
Stop Fixing and Start Coping
In our quest for control and order, there’s a natural inclination to “fix” things. We yearn for a world that’s...
Coping With Moving
I just moved and lets talk about how moving is one of the hardest things to cope with.
Navigating Anxiety with Compassion
Anxiety, that familiar yet formidable companion, often arrives uninvited, casting shadows over our days. In moments of...
Mastering Distress Tolerance in Today’s Chaos
Today’s world is marked by global challenges and uncertainties, and the need for effective distress tolerance has never...
Breaking Free from the Spiral of Hopelessness
In life, we all encounter moments when hope seems to slip away, leaving us feeling adrift and unsure of what lies...
Setbacks to Comebacks: Bouncing Back from Disappointment
Life often leads us down unexpected paths, and at times, disappointment becomes a fellow traveler on this journey. It’s...
Breathwork – Engaging in Focused Breathing Exercises for Mental Well-being
Breathwork involves engaging in focused breathing exercises, like box breathing or deep belly breathing. Thich Nhat...
Getting What You Want by Acting as If
“Acting as if” is a coping skill that’s rooted in the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy and positive...
Gratitude – Appreciating something we can appreciate
Gratitude, the quality of being thankful and a readiness to show appreciation and return kindness, is a profoundly...
Unpacking the Physical and Emotional Anatomy of Nervousness
Nervousness can manifest in both tangible physical sensations and intangible emotional responses. Physiologically, it...
Dancing Your Way to Mental Health
Beyond its surface appeal as a form of entertainment or expression, dancing has been proven to be a powerful catalyst...
How Can Self-Forgiveness Heal You from Guilt?
Guilt can be a heavy burden, weighing down our spirits and hindering our ability to move forward. It’s like a tangled...
Grounding – Anchoring Yourself in the Present Moment
In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed and disconnected from the present moment....
Adjusting Expectations for Your Inner Peace
Life, by its very nature, is unpredictable. It doesn’t always unfold according to the scripts we meticulously craft in...
The Patience Project: A 7-Day Challenge to Transform Your Life
In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced lives, patience often feels like a rare commodity. The constant demand for...
Conscious Coping in a Chaotic World
In today’s world, it’s evident: everything is chaotic. From the rapid pace of technological advancements to the...
Rage room – Releasing Aggression in a Controlled Environment
The rage room, a concept that originated in Japan around 2008, has quickly gained popularity worldwide as a unique...
Taking a Mid-Season Break – Our interlude for self-care
As we navigate the journey of conscious coping together, it’s essential to remember that self-care isn’t just a concept...
Grief – An Act of Honor
Grief is an inherent part of being human, an emotional response triggered by significant losses such as the death of a...
Embracing Confidence and Overcoming Nervousness through Exposure Therapy
Nervousness, that fluttering sensation in the pit of your stomach, can often hold you back from fully embracing life’s...
Mastering Coping Skills for a Healthier Mind
Learn how to master coping skills for a healthier mind with our comprehensive guide.

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Are you searching for an engaging, insightful speaker who can transform your audience's thinking about coping and mental health? I’d love to bring the message of Conscious Coping to your next event. Together, we can move the conversation about mental health forward in a constructive and meaningful way.