Posts by consciouscopingclub

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The Patience Project: A 7-Day Challenge to Transform Your Life
In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced lives, patience often feels like a rare commodity. The constant demand for...
Conscious Coping in a Chaotic World
In today’s world, it’s evident: everything is chaotic. From the rapid pace of technological advancements to the...
Rage room – Releasing Aggression in a Controlled Environment
The rage room, a concept that originated in Japan around 2008, has quickly gained popularity worldwide as a unique...
Taking a Mid-Season Break – Our interlude for self-care
As we navigate the journey of conscious coping together, it’s essential to remember that self-care isn’t just a concept...
Grief – An Act of Honor
Grief is an inherent part of being human, an emotional response triggered by significant losses such as the death of a...
Embracing Confidence and Overcoming Nervousness through Exposure Therapy
Nervousness, that fluttering sensation in the pit of your stomach, can often hold you back from fully embracing life’s...

Looking to Heal
& Inspire at Your Event?

Are you searching for an engaging, insightful speaker who can transform your audience's thinking about coping and mental health? I’d love to bring the message of Conscious Coping to your next event. Together, we can move the conversation about mental health forward in a constructive and meaningful way.